Monday, December 31, 2012

Farm | Ocala, FL

Pretty friends + farm + lace all together at home in Central, FL.  My loves.
xx, M.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Boris + Christine | NYC

I'm blogging this shoot from finish to start to walk you back through our journey together to end with their very NYC arrival... via taxi.  Trekking from TriBeCa to the Reservoir, two pit stops at Starbucks and one recruited assistant (who shall remain nameless... cough, LK), we survived the day with this wonderful couple!  They were such great troopers and here's a little look into our day... xx, M 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Stavropoulos Baptism | NYC

I love getting to be a part of a baptism and this little guy was no exception.  He did great and what a handsome little man!  Enjoy... M.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Christina | Central Park, NYC

Central Park on a Saturday morning, spontaneous dancing, crowds and beautiful musicians were what led to the inspiration behind this shoot.  Christina (a fellow Inverness girl) is such a beauty... inside and out!  I know she will end up in NYC one day :)      xx, M.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

C + AJ | Charlotte, NC

Here's a little sneak peek of this sweet sister duo.  I miss them more everyday!
xo, Deggie.

Friday, April 6, 2012

OKM | Charlotte, NC

I die for this little girl's accessories.  She is such a joy to capture... enjoy!  
xx, M.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

C + W | Charlotte, NC

I'm so glad I was able to spend time with these little ladies... I miss seeing their faces on a daily basis.  Little beauties... xx, M.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Bruno's 2nd birthday party | Moomah, TriBeCa

I love this little guy and I cannot believe he is already two years old!  I first captured him when he was only 10 months old and he is such a little boy now.  His party was such fun to photograph and I loved getting to see him interact with all his friends and family.  Happy Birthday Bruno... xo, Megg

Happy 2nd Birthday, Bruno...xoxo